Problems and Guidelines for Educational Improvement in Thailand under ASEAN Economic Community Framework

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ภัทรวรรธน์ จีรพัฒน์ธนธร


This research aimed to investigate problems and guidelines for educational improvement in Thailand under the ASEAN Economic Community framework during the past five (5) years (2012 – 2016). This study is a documentary research. Total amount of 79 documents were chosen based on the selection criteria of the study. Focus group discussion was done for data gathering towards experts’ views on educational improvement in Thailand. The research instrument was a record form. Data were analyzed by means of content analysis in order to collect, organize, summarize, categorize and rank, then transcribe into written texts and tables with explanations. Findings revealed that, Thailand’s educational problems ordering by levels of the problem are the following issues: (1) quality of education, (2) teachers, (3) learners, (4) educational policy, (5) educational opportunity, (6) external factors affecting education management, (7) research and innovation, and (8) educational supports. Guidelines for educational improvement included (1) reform towards teacher education and teacher professional development, (2) instructional reform, (3) development of educational policy, (4) networking, (5) higher education development, (6) vocational education development, (7) development of non-formal education and informal education, (8) development of medium-sized and small-sized schools, and (9) development of educational assurance system.

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จีรพัฒน์ธนธร ภ. (2016). Problems and Guidelines for Educational Improvement in Thailand under ASEAN Economic Community Framework. Journal of Industrial Education, 15(3), 160–167. retrieved from
Research Articles


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