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ณัฐพล สุวิภาต
ธนาวุฒิ ประกอบผล


The objective of this research is to 1) study the motivating factors of the Operational Employees in Pylon Public Company Limited on their Motivation Factor and Hygiene Factor, 2) study the characteristics and motivation of the Operational Employees in Pylon Public Company Limited, 3) compare the motivation on the performance of the Operational Employees in Pylon Public Company Limited by their personal approach. The sample study group for this research are the 206 operational employees of Pylon Public Company Limited by answering the prepared questionnaire. The statistic method used for data analysis are Mean of Percentage, I Arithmetic Mean, Standard Deviation (S.D), T–Test, One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Mutiple Linear Regression. The finding results revealed that 1) the comparison of the motivation of operational employees in Pylon Public Company Limited by personal factors are not significantly different, 2) the overall job characteristics of the employees’ on High Level as its Mean is 3.630 and Standard Deviation is 0.458, 3) the motivating factor and job characteristics of the employees plays a vital part that affects and influence the riperformance at 79.6 percent, a statistically significant level at .05 4) the hygiene factor and job characteristic of the employees is an important part of the task and their freedom to work have an influence on their motivation as the job performance of the employees is 58.1 percent, a statistically significant level at .05.

The research results were as follows:

1. The motivation of the Operational Employees in Pylon Public Company Limited has been at a high level.

2. The 2 cores of job characteristics model, the variety of skills and task significance are effected to motivation factor and the other 2 cores, task identity and autonomy are effected to hygiene factor

3. The employee with difference in sex, age, education level, income per month, work experience and department with different total level of Motivation Factor and Hygiene Factor at significant level 0.05

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How to Cite
สุวิภาต ณ., & ประกอบผล ธ. (2016). JOB CHARACTERISTICS AND JOB MOTIVATION OF OPERATIONAL EMPLOYEES IN PYLON PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED. Journal of Industrial Education, 15(3), 121–129. retrieved from
Research Articles


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