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พิทาน ทองศาโรจน์


This research is a study of architectural dimension and architectural aกarea by testing with the Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University Grade 2 and 3 students enrolled in the course of 01240271 and the course of 01240371 and number of 42 people. By using the results of the comparison of the accuracy of a sample floor plan with the plan that student have written a test 3 range. Include in the 1st test with simulated 3D computer pictures from room 3 sample size range. The 2nd test range from recognition and size that comes from real space : Computer Laboratory of the Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University. The 3rd test through a virtual reality system that shows two sample rooms and a walkway by results of tests that have to be evaluated is the percentage after that the value has been converted to a value of 5 levels from 1 to 5 for evaluation as a quality score statistics. In the figure, the average (gif.latex?\bar{x}) and standard deviation (S.D.).

The research found that the quality of virtual reality system on the feelings of the user that are realistic in high level. When the separation is effected by class year, found that in the 3rd year have the feeling are realistic in high level. But in 2nd year have the feeling are realistic in moderate level which is the result of experience of students and the problems encountered with the use of virtual reality systems are the head drowsiness and difficulty in moving the system is not very natural. 2. when considering the quality of the communication tools in all three formats in the architectural testing proxies. The tools in a way that forms the real environment with quality tools at a high levels. The tools in a manner that is 3D image format has a value to the quality of the tools is moderate and the tools in a manner that is virtual reality system has a value to the quality of the tools is moderate.

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How to Cite
ทองศาโรจน์ พ. (2016). A STUDY OF ARCHITECTURAL DIMENSION AND ARCHITECTURAL AREA IN VIRTUAL REALITY SYSTEM OF THE ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS, KASETSART UNIVERSITY. Journal of Industrial Education, 15(3), 82–89. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/122732
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