Marketing Mix Affecting Service Decision Making Process in Physical Therapy Clinic of Consumers in Bangkok

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ณิชยา สืบสุข
วรนารถ แสงมณี
ณัฐวุฒิ โรจน์นิรุตติกุล


The objectives of this research were: (1) to study the level of service decision making process in physical therapy clinics for consumers in the Bangkok Metropolitan area and (2) to study the marketing mix affecting service decision making process in physical therapy clinics. The research instrument was a questionnaire and the data was analyzed using a statistical program. The statistics used in this study were percentage, arithmetic mean, and standard deviation. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis. The results showed that:

1) The level of service decision making process was at moderate level.

2) Marketing mix factors in terms of products and services, people, and processes affect the level of service decision making process in physical therapy clinics. All independent variable could explain the variation in service decision making process in physical therapy clinics at 72.80 %.

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How to Cite
สืบสุข ณ., แสงมณี ว., & โรจน์นิรุตติกุล ณ. (2015). Marketing Mix Affecting Service Decision Making Process in Physical Therapy Clinic of Consumers in Bangkok. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 659–665. Retrieved from
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