Study and Design Products to Promote Learning of Natural Environment for Childhood

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จุฑามาศ เถียรเวช
ทรงวุฒิ เอกวุฒิวงศา
อภิสักก์ สินธุภัค


This research aims to; 1) study products to promote learning of natural environment for childhood 2) design products to promote learning of natural environment for childhood, and 3) evaluate the quality of products to promote learning of natural environment for childhood. The methodology in this research are;

1) the interviewing childhood teaching specialist in issue of products to promote learning of natural environment for childhood, 2) the content assessment and the using of language in illustration storybook, 3) the opinion assessment from the  specialist of design toward to designing illustration and illustration storybook, 4) the quality assessment of products to promote learning of natural environment for childhood, and 5) the satisfaction assessment of products to promote learning of natural environment for childhood. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean ( gif.latex?\small&space;\bar{X}) and standard deviation (S.D.)

The results of the study were as follow; 1) the products to promote learning of natural environment for childhood is the illustration storybook named “What can I do? My forest is in trouble” with the technical design of three-dimensional (Pop up), 2) the researcher has been designed illustration storybook named “What can I do? My forest is in trouble” into three forms, the second form is the most appropriate in the mean average ( gif.latex?\small&space;\bar{X}=4.23, S.D.=0.74) by having clearly interpretive illustration, not overlapping line patterns, the cohesion between the cover page and the name and attractive color for children, and 3) the quality assessment of products to promote learning of natural environment for childhood by teaching specialist can be concluded that products to promote learning of natural environment for childhood is high appropriate in the mean average ( gif.latex?\small&space;\bar{X}=4.27, S.D.=0.62)

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How to Cite
เถียรเวช จ., เอกวุฒิวงศา ท., & สินธุภัค อ. (2015). Study and Design Products to Promote Learning of Natural Environment for Childhood. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 630–637. Retrieved from
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