Development Office Furniture Case Study : Call Center

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มนัสพงษ์ มุสิการยกูล
อุดมศักดิ์ สาริบุตร
อภิสักก์ สินธุภัค


The objective of this research was to study and develop the designs of the office furniture as a case study in the call center of the Advance Contact Center Co. Ltd.  The sample subjects were 35 office workers of the Advance Contact Center Co. Ltd. 5 of whom were tested for spatial data collecting and the other 30 were questioned for satisfaction on the designs of the office furniture. The tools utilized in this research were 1) collecting spatial data by testing the body motion envelope in order to find out the appropriate spatial limit on the furniture design that affects actions of work performance in the call center, 2) a questionnaire on the satisfaction at the designs of the office furniture in the call center; and 3) a development evaluating form on the designs of the office furniture in the call center. The data were analyzed by using statistic methods of mean and standard deviation.

   The results of the research were as follow:

  1. The study was carried out by testing the body motion envelope; and when analyzed, the appropriate spatial limits on the office furniture designs were 1) the range from the outer rim of the furniture design in reaching to get a head phone covered the space most at the range of 56 cm. in width and 50 cm. in length, 2) the range from the outer rim of the furniture design in reaching to type on a keyboard covered the space most at the range of 31.5 cm. in width and 87 cm. in length, 3) the range from the outer rim of the furniture design in reaching to get a computer mouse covered the space most at the range of 34 cm. in width and 42 cm. in length, and 4) the range from the outer rim of the furniture design in reaching to get a telephone receiver covered the space most at the range of 24.6 cm. in width and 60 cm. in length.

  2. In developing the furniture design in the call center, 3 designs of furniture were developed and the second design of which the lower part had no enclosing and was made of metallic materials obtained the appropriateness at the more level ( gif.latex?\small&space;\bar{X}= 4.00, S.D.=0.66).

  3. The satisfaction on the designs of the furniture as a case study at the call center was at the more appropriate level (gif.latex?\small&space;\bar{X} = 4.02, S.D. = 0.84).

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How to Cite
มุสิการยกูล ม., สาริบุตร อ., & สินธุภัค อ. (2015). Development Office Furniture Case Study : Call Center. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 598–605. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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