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นารี ตันบัว
อำภาพรรณ ตันตินาครกูล
กาญจนา บุญภักดิ์


The objective of this research was to exploratory factor analysis of leadership of female school executives under the Department of Education Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The sample used in this study consisted of 329 teachers in the academic year of 2015. Samples were selected by multi-state random sampling from teachers of Education Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Data was collected by a questionnaire with a five rating scale. The questionnaire has an index of congruence equal 0.60 to 1.00, and a reliability of 0.99 Factor analysis was performed by using the principal component method with orthogonal rotation by varimax procedure.  

The results of this research found that there were five factors of Leadership of Female School Executives under the Department of Education Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. These were: Behavior of leadership, ethics, academic, human relations, and teamwork. The percentage of explained variance in all five factors was 75.110.

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How to Cite
ตันบัว น., ตันตินาครกูล อ., & บุญภักดิ์ ก. (2016). FACTOR ANALYSIS ON LEADERSHIP OF FEMALE SCHOOL EXECUTIVES UNDER BANGKOK METROPOLITAN. Journal of Industrial Education, 15(2), 94–101. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/122542
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