Factors affecting organizational commitment of Employees of Universal Express Transport Group

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รัชต ไตรมาลัย
วรนารถ แสงมณี
ณัฐวุฒิ โรจน์นิรุตติกุล


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of employee commitment of employees of Universal Express Transport Group and 2) to study the factor effecting attitudes towards employee commitment of employees of Universal Express Transport Group and the sample size was 250 employees of Universal Express Transport Group Questionnaires were used as the research instrument. The data was analyzed by using statistical package. Statistics for data analysis were percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and multiple linear regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses.

The results were as follows: 1) Organizational commitment of employees of Universal Express Transport Group the average was at high level ( gif.latex?\small&space;\bar{X}  = 3.626, S.D. = 0.235 ). 2) Job characteristics, organization characteristics and   staff  members  relationship affected organizational commitment of employees of Universal Express Transport Group. All independent variables could explain the variation in organizational commitment of employees of Universal Express Transport Group at 54.3%

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How to Cite
ไตรมาลัย ร., แสงมณี ว., & โรจน์นิรุตติกุล ณ. (2015). Factors affecting organizational commitment of Employees of Universal Express Transport Group. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 495–502. Retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/122458
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