The development of learning achievement and problem solving ability for grade 12 students by using project-based learning activities

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วราลี สิริปิยธรรม
กฤษณา คิดดี
ผดุงชัย ภู่พัฒน์


The purposes of this research were to develop a lesson plan using project-based learning and to compare the learning achievement and problem solving ability between pre-test and post-test among grade 12 students in Hydroponics by using project-based learning activities. The sample subjects were 40 students in grade 12 of Mattayom Watbuengthong School, Bangkok. They studied for 12 weeks during the second semester of 2013 to by selected in Hydroponics. The research instruments included were a lesson plan using project-based learning, the quality evaluation form of a lesson plan using project-based learning, the achievement test at the level of difficulty 0.40-0.65 and the level of discrimination 0.20-0.55 with 0.89 reliability and a test on the problem solving at the level of difficulty 0.38-0.68 and the level of discrimination 0.25-0.65 with 0.81 reliability. The statistics used for data analysis included mean, standard deviation, and t-test (dependent sample). The results of the research were as follows : 1) a lesson plan using project-based learning in grade 12 was very good level. 2) Learning achievement among grade 12 students by using project-based learning activities indicated that the post-test learning achievement scores of the sample were significantly higher than the pre-test at the .01 level. 3) Problem solving ability for grade 12 students by using project-based learning activities indicated that the post-test problem solving ability scores of the sample were significantly higher than the pre-test at the .01 level.

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How to Cite
สิริปิยธรรม ว., คิดดี ก., & ภู่พัฒน์ ผ. (2015). The development of learning achievement and problem solving ability for grade 12 students by using project-based learning activities. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 221–227. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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