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The objectives of this study were 1) to develop a quality and efficient multimedia learning courseware providing instructions on computer-based problem solving principles, 2) to create a cooperative learning model for teaching computer-based problem solving principles to tenth grade students, and 3) to compare the learning achievement of tenth grade students who had been trained using the cooperative learning model and the conventional approach. The sample of the study comprised tenth grade students enrolled in the Information Technology and Communication subject at Samsenwittayalai School in the 2nd semester of 2015. One hundred and forty students were selected using a cluster random sampling method. The research instruments included 1) a cooperative learning instruction plan and a conventional instruction plan, 2) a multimedia courseware package providing instructions on computer-based problem solving principles, 3) an evaluation form for the instruction plans, 4) a multimedia courseware package evaluation form, and 5) a learning achievement test for evaluating the students’ knowledge and skills related to computer-based problem solving principles.
The results were as follows. The quality of the content of the multimedia courseware package providing instructions on computer-based problem solving principles was high ( = 4.36), the quality of the media production was high (
= 4.28), and the efficiency of the courseware package (E1/ E2) was 80.09/82.38. As for the cooperative model, the quality was high (
= 4.35) and the efficiency index (E1 / E2) was 80.09/83.33. Finally, the learning achievement of the students having been trained using the cooperative learning model was statistically greater than their counterparts having undergone the conventional instruction at p<0.05.
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