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The purposes of this study were to 1) develop and evaluate the quality as well as the efficiency of web -based instruction for self-directed learning on Electronic Circuit and Device of third year vocational students. 2) compare pre-test and post-test learning achievement of the students. 3) explore the opinions to wards self-directed learning of the students. The samples in this study, which were divided into two groups of 62 third year students in total, studying at Donbosco Technological College in the academic year 2558, were obtained by means of Cluster Sampling Out of 6 groups of population. The research instruments were web-based instruction lesson on Electronic Circuit and Device, the quality evaluative questionnaire, and the achievement test. The consistency index (IOC) was reported between 0.66 - 1.00 while the level of difficulty (P) was between 0.34 – 0.78; the discrimination (R) was between 0.21-1.00 while the test reliability (KR 20) of the achievement test was at 0.77. Also, the reliability (Cronbach Alpha) of the questionnaire on opinions towards self-directed learning was at 0.89. The statistics used in the analysis were mean (), standard deviation (S),and t-test for Dependent Samples.
The result showed that the content quality of web-based instruction lesson was at a very good level (= 4.59, S = 0.53) and the quality in media production was at a good level level (
= 4.34, S = 0.66). It is also found that the efficiency of web-based instruction lessons (E1/E2) was 80.98/87.38 respectively, all of which was based on the assumption that it should not be less than 80/80 and when compared to the overall learning achievement. It was also revealed that post-test achievement score was higher than that of the pre-test at 0.05 significant level while the level of opinions towards self-directed learning was at a very good level (
= 4.03, S = 0.77).
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"The opinions and contents including the words in papers are responsibility by the authors."
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