Variable effecting disciplines in science e-Learning of students in Matthayombanbangkapi School, Bangkok

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เทววุฒิ สิมะเสถียร
ไพฑูรย์ พิมดี
เลิศลักษณ์ กลิ่นหอม


The objective of this research were to determine the disciplines the variables effecting on disciplines Prediction equation of disciplines in science e-Learning of students. Sample were 286 student who studied in the academic year 2013. They were selected by satisfied random sampling method. Environment of the media’s Questionnaire and Environment of the institution’s Questionnaire with reliability of .81 and .70 respectively, index of congruency between .80 - 1.00. Study habit’s Questionnaire and Achievement motion’s Study habit’s Questionnaire with reliability of .95 and .96 respectively, index of congruency between .80 - 1.00. Attitude’s Questionnaire with discriminations between 4.53 – 7.24, reliability of .96 and index of congruency between .80 - 1.00. The data were analyzed with means, standard deviation, multiple correlation and stepwise multiple regression. The research results were: student disciplines in science e-Learning at the most level. Disciplines in science e-Learning of students were positive correlation with attitudes toward the use of science e-Learning, Environment of the media, study habits, environment of the institution and achievement motivation. The statistical significant at .01 level, the value correlations were .766, .721, .675, .673 and .642 respectively. The variables effecting disciplines in science e-Learning were attitudes toward  the use of science e-Learning(X3), Environment of the media(X1), study habits(X4), environment of the institution(X2) and achievement motivation(X5). The variable were 74.90 percent effected on disciplines in science e-Learning of students with the statistical significant at .01 level. The prediction equation were:

Prediction equation of disciplines in science e-Learning of students with raw scores was
Y = 0.335+0.268X3+0.216X1+0.151X4+0.122X2 +0.129X5    

Prediction equation of disciplines in science e-Learning of students with standard scores was
Zy = 0.304ZX3+0.303ZX1+0.156ZX4+ 0.155ZX2+0.137ZX5     

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How to Cite
สิมะเสถียร เ., พิมดี ไ., & กลิ่นหอม เ. (2015). Variable effecting disciplines in science e-Learning of students in Matthayombanbangkapi School, Bangkok. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 372–379. Retrieved from
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