Teaching by Using Ethical Resource Base Learning for 21st Century Learner

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รัชฎาพร ธิราวรรณ
ฐิติยา เนตรวงษ์


The article were to provide understanding about ethical resource base learning and 21st century skills to guideline using ethical resource base learning for develop 21st Century Learner. The activities of ethical resource base learning include: 1) providing content, resources and learning resources, 2) offer knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience to arouse interest for discussion of students, 3) select ethical resource, 4) group process to studies the area of ethical resource, the teacher's role to provide assistance and facilitate, 5) discussion knowledge in order to apply this knowledge in other situations, 6) explores attitudes to learning activities using ethical resource, 7) presents a performance with multimedia and 8) summary and evaluation activities group. Such activities consistent with the goals of learning in the 21st century skills, there elements follow as: 1) content knowledge has two parts: key subject and interdisciplinary knowledge, 2) skills consist of learning and innovation skills, life and career skills and information media and technology skills, and 3) features include: work, learning, and moral.

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How to Cite
ธิราวรรณ ร., & เนตรวงษ์ ฐ. (2015). Teaching by Using Ethical Resource Base Learning for 21st Century Learner. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 320–326. Retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/122305
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