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สุชาริณี เที่ยงแท้
กุลกัญญา   ณ   ป้อมเพ็ชร์
ศิริจรรยา เครือวิริยะพันธ์


The objectives of this research were as follows; 1) to study the behavior of Chinese tourists visiting Thailand and 2) to study the factors that influence the service marketing mix of Chinese tourists visiting Thailand. 3) to compare the services marketing mix factors influencing Chinese tourists visiting Thailand by personal factors. 4) to compare the services marketing mix factors influencing Chinese tourists visiting Thailand by behaviors in tourism. The sample group consisted of 385 people gained from accidental sample method at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Questionnaires were used for the data collection. The statistics used in the analysis were the frequency, percentage, standard deviation, T-test and Chi-Square were used to test the hypotheses. A significance of p<0.05 was set statistical analysis. The results were as follows;

The significance level of service marketing mix factors influencing Chinese tourists to visit Thailand was at high level. The comparative analysis of the service marketing mix factors influencing the Chinese tourists to visit Thailand based on personal factor revealed that difference in age, marital status, average monthly income, education and difference in occupation had statistically significant difference in service marketing mix factors. The comparative analysis of the service marketing mix factors influencing the Chinese tourists to visit Thailand based on behavior revealed that difference in fellow traveller, tourist attraction, travel expenses, travel resources, and favorite souvenir had statistically significant difference in service marketing mix factors at 0.05 significant level.

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เที่ยงแท้ ส.,  ป้อมเพ็ชร์ก. ณ , & เครือวิริยะพันธ์ ศ. (2016). SERVICE MARKETING MIX FACTORS INFLUENCING CHINESE TOURISTSTO VISIT THAILAND. Journal of Industrial Education, 15(1), 203–210. retrieved from
Research Articles


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