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The objectives of this research were 1) to develop of Web-Based instruction (WBI) for Review on Media of Local Area Network for Undergraduate Students, and 2) to compare the learning achievements before and after learning through WBI for Review on Media of Local Area Network. The Samples were 45 undergraduate students from Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology Program, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University. The tools used for data collection were WBI for Review, quality test of WBI and an achievement test with the IOC between 0.67 to 1.00, the difficulty value between 0.33 to 0.73, the discrimination value between 0.27 to 0.60 and the reliability is 0.87, The statistics for analysis were mean, standard deviation and t-test dependent. The contents quality of WBI for Review on Media of Local Area Network for Undergraduate Students was at good level (= 4.19, s = 0.56) and the technical media production quality was at good level (
=4.43, s=0.46), the efficiency was 81.33/87.27 which met the standard criteria at 80/80, and the learning achievement of lesson through WBI for review was significantly higher than before to learning at .05 levels.
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