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The purpose of this research was to construct and assess the quality and efficiency of a mechatronic driller automatic training set. The training set had a suitable size so it could be moved essily as well as work practically. The assembly of the training set was based on eight laboratory sheets including their answer, and a PowerPoint presentation. The quality of the structure and use of the training set was evaluated by experts. The statistics utilized for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and the efficiency value of E1/E2. The results of the study revealed that the quality of the structure of the training set (= 4.39, S.D.= 0.17) and its working condition (
= 4.42, S.D.= 0.21) were at the good level. The efficiency of the training set was assessed by 15 fourth year Bachelor’s degree student at 83.50/87.36 which corresponded with 80/80 as already specified in the hypothesis.
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