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จินดา เนื่องจำนงค์
สุชาติ เถาทอง


The purpose of this research is 1) to study the problems and needs of the local museum in Chachoengsao 2) to develop ways of local museum design for interdisciplinary learning in Chacheongsao province and 3) to study the results of local museum design for interdisciplinary learning of Chacheongsao province. The data were analyzed by using the qualitative analyzing data from documents, in-depth interview from local community philosophers, academics, organization executives and focus-groups with local people. The results of this research revealed that

1) The problems were similar to those of other museums; limited budgets for management, personnel shortage and uninteresting displays and learning activities. The local museum needs the cooperation of the local in museum promoting, learning activities and fostering a love of community in a young generation.

2) The ways of local museum design for interdisciplinary learning of Chacheongsao province should be related to other 3 main learning resources; Klong Suan Old Market, Bonsri Learning Centre and the Sufficiency Economy and Agriculture Philosopher Learning Centre which have integrated learning activities and community cooperation. Material display designs were divided into 2 areas; permanent materials display and temporarily materials display by emphasis of relation between activities and materials display.

3) The results of the ways of Local Museum Design Development Program were meaningful and suitable for demonstration, display and training of students and general public. In addition, the cooperation of the local community, the local administrative organizations, and other organizations also supported themanagement system design.

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How to Cite
เนื่องจำนงค์ จ., & เถาทอง ส. (2016). LOCAL MUSEUM DESIGN FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY LEARNING: CHACHOENGSAO PROVINCE. Journal of Industrial Education, 15(1), 150–156. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/122277
Research Articles


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