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ปิยะนาถ ชีชนะ
ปริยาภรณ์ ตั้งคุณานันต์
บุญจันทร์ สีสันต์


The objective of this research was to analyze the factors of teachers’ quality toward ASEAN Community of teachers in schools under the Bureau of Bangkok Education, Lat Krabang district. The 618 samples were selected by stratified random sampling using school criteria. The research instrument was teacher’s questionnaire with 5 rating scale. The reliability of questionnaire was 0.97. The data were analyzed by using the principal component method and varimax rotation.

The results revealed that there are 6 factors of teachers’ quality toward ASEAN Community of teachers in schools under the Bureau of Bangkok Education, Lat Krabang district, which composed of 1) learning management by using techniques and teaching methods in which students are encouraged to build their body of knowledge consisting of 8 variables 2) Innovation and Information Technology in Education consisting of 7 variables 3) knowledge and communication skills for teaching consisting of 8 variables 4) experience exchange and cooperation with others in both a school and a community creatively consisting of 7 variables 5) learning activities arrangement to develop the learners’ potential consisting of 5 variables and 6) language and communication skills consisting of 5 variables. All these can be describe factors of teachers’ quality toward ASEAN Community at 69.47%.

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How to Cite
ชีชนะ ป., ตั้งคุณานันต์ ป., & สีสันต์ บ. (2016). FACTORS ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS QUALITY TOWARD ASEAN COMMUNITY UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BANGKOK. Journal of Industrial Education, 15(1), 129–135. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/122273
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