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The objectives of this research were to development of moral reasoning’s students by teaching virtuous project following sufficiency economy philosophy and to compare moral reasoning between experimental group and control group. The sample used for experimental group consisted of 30 undergraduate students and 41 undergraduate students for the control group in the Information Integration course in the 2015 academic year, at Suan Dusit University. The research instrument was the moral reasoning questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation and t-test dependent. The results of the study were as follows:
1) An approach to virtuous project following sufficiency economy philosophy included 7 steps as followed: 1. preliminary and orientation, 2. to recognize and consider the issues, 3. the collection of data and knowledge, 4. drafting virtuous project, 5. the implementation of the virtuous project, 6. the evaluation, debate and report writing, and 7. the presentation convey moral decency.
2) Overall moral reasoning of experimental sample before undertaking teaching was level 4 ( = 3.47,S.D. = 1.32), law and order. When evaluating the moral reasoning after undertaking teaching was level 5 (
=4.21, S.D. = 0.97), social-contract legalistic orientation. The comparison of learning the virtuous project following sufficiency economy philosophy between experimental group and control group regarding to moral reasoning was different at .05 level. Over all moral reasoning of control group was level 4 (
= 3.73, S.D. = 1.33), law and order and experimental group was level 5 (
= 4.21, S.D. = 0.97), social-contract legalisticorientation.
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