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The purpose of this study were to develop and evaluate the quality as well as the efficiency of E-learning for review logic on the computer system for vocational certificate students and Compare pre-test and post-test learning achievement of the students after the experiment. The sample consisted vocational certificate students in business computer department of commerce Boonthavorn Technology College academic year 2558 by the cluster sampling method 2 classes overall 60 students, first group of 30 students for efficiency testing and second group of 30 students for achievement comparison between pretest score and posttest score. The Instruments of research were consisted of E-learning for review logic of on computer system, the quality evaluation form of E-learning and an achievement test having the index of congruence (IOC) was between 0.67 to 1.00, the difficulty (p) was between 0.45 to 0.68, the discrimination (r) was between 0.32 to 0.45 and the reliability (KR 20) was at 0.95. The statistics used in the analysis were mean (), standard deviation (S), and dependent samples t-test.
The results of this research were as of the following: 1) the overall quality is very good (= 4.66), very good level for lesson contents (
= 4.54, S = 0.09) and very good level for media production (
= 4.78,S = 0.23). 2) The efficiency (E 1 /E 2 ) of development of E-learning for review logic of the computer system for vocational certificate students was 83.11/84.13 which as stipulated. And 3) the learning achievement after studying with development of E-learning for review logic on the computer system for vocational certificate students was statistical significantly higher than before at .05 level.
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"The opinions and contents including the words in papers are responsibility by the authors."
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