Preparedness towards ASEAN Community of School Administrators under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Eastern Zone

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สุภาภรณ์ เกษคำ
กาญจนา บุญภักดิ์
ณรงค์ พิมสาร


The objectives of this study were to 1) study the teachers’ opinions on the Preparedness towards ASEAN Community of School Administrators under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Eastern Zone and   2) compare the teachers’ opinions on the Preparedness towards ASEAN Community of School Administrators under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Eastern Zone classified by gender, age, title, education and work experience. The samples of this study were 351 teachers under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Eastern Zone, selected by proportional stratified sampling method. The questionnaires with the reliability value of .95 were employed to conduct the research and the results were statistically calculated with percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and one-way ANOVA. The first finding revealed that the overall level of teachers’ opinions on the preparedness of school administrators under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration of Eastern Zone towards the ASEAN community was high. Considering each domain, the average mean score of management domain was found highest followed by the students’ quality domain, the teachers’ development domain, respectively. The least one was the supports from stakeholders and others. The second finding represented that the comparisons among the different classifications by gender, age, title, education and work experience of the school administrators did not vary statistically at 0.05 level.

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How to Cite
เกษคำ ส., บุญภักดิ์ ก., & พิมสาร ณ. (2015). Preparedness towards ASEAN Community of School Administrators under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Eastern Zone. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(3), 31–38. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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