Buying Decision Process of Eco-Refrigeration of Consumers In Bangkok Metropolitan

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จิรพร จันทร์เทวาลิขิต
มนัส ไพฑูรย์เจริญลาภ
ณัฐวุฒิ โรจน์นิรุตติกุล


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the level of buying decision process eco-refrigeration of consumers in Bangkok metropolitan consist of problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternative, purchase behavior and post purchase behavior  2) to study the importance level of marketing mix for buying decision process of eco-refrigeration of consumers In Bangkok metropolitan. An accidental sampling with a sample size of 396 was conducted. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Statistics for data analysis were percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviation. Multiple linear regression were used to test the hypotheses. The results were as follow:

1) Consumers had a high level of the overall and each dimension of buying decision process of eco-refrigeration. The highest level of buying decision process was evaluation of alternative, followed by post purchase behavior, problem recognition, information search and purchase behavior, respectively.

2) The buying decision process of eco-refrigeration in Bangkok metropolitan was significantly affected by the marketing mix in term of product, place and promotion at 0.01 level  and price at 0.05 level.

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จันทร์เทวาลิขิต จ., ไพฑูรย์เจริญลาภ ม., & โรจน์นิรุตติกุล ณ. (2015). Buying Decision Process of Eco-Refrigeration of Consumers In Bangkok Metropolitan. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 10–17. Retrieved from
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