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สมพิศ เผือกสอาด
อัจฉรา นิยมาภา
วิสุทธิ์ วิจิตรพัชราภรณ์
สุพจน์ เกิดสุวรรณ์


This research presents an academic administration model for promotion of morality of upper secondary students in schools under The Office of Basic Education Commission. The purposes of this research were to 1) find out current condition and direction of academic administration model for promotion of upper secondary students ; 2) to study the opinions of policy administrators of promotion of morality of upper secondary students in schools;  and 3) develop an administration model for promotion of upper secondary students. The data collected by interviewing five policy level administrators , school director, and assistants school director of academic department. The questionnaire was applied to 331 school directors. The data was analyzed in terms of mean (gif.latex?\bar{x}) and standard division (S.D.). The data analyze were used to draft and model which were then evaluated by a focus group discussion of 12 experts.

The results revealed that the model of academic administration for promotion of morality consisted of 3 parts. The first one is leading which comprised the principle for promotion of morality consisted of three parts. The first one was a preface which comprised of morality promotion principle, participation principle, and integration principle. The second was the academic administration process consisted of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling  in accordance with academic administration scope which included 11 main tasks which supported eight desired characteristics of the students. The last one was success factors related to policy and action personnel, school directors, teachers and education personnel, students, parents and the communities.

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เผือกสอาด ส., นิยมาภา อ., วิจิตรพัชราภรณ์ ว., & เกิดสุวรรณ์ ส. (2017). ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION MODEL FOR PROMOTION OF MORALITY OF UPPER SECONDARY STUDENTS IN SCHOOLS UNDER THE OFFICE OF BASIC EDUCATION COMMISSION. Journal of Industrial Education, 16(2), 171–179. retrieved from
Research Articles


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