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ฐิติยา รัตนายน
กาญจนา บุญภักดิ์
บุญจันทร์ สีสันต์


The objectives of this research were to analyze the factor of charismatic leadership of school administrator under the pathumthani primary education service area office 1. The samples selected by the stratified random sampling method were 500 the teachers’ under the pathumthani primary education service area office 1. The research instrument was administrators’s charismatic leadership questionnaire with 5 rating scale, 0.60 - 1.00 congruence index and 0.941 reliability. Factor analysis was performed by using the principal component method with orthogonal rotation by varimax procedure. From the results, we found that there are 6 factors of charismatic leadership which composed of vision, support and referent power, communiacation skil, empowerment and referent power. All factors accounted for 60.003% of the total variance.

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รัตนายน ฐ., บุญภักดิ์ ก., & สีสันต์ บ. (2017). THE FACTOR ANALYSIS OF CHARISMATIC LEADERSHIP OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS UNDER THE PATHUMTHANI PRIMARY EDUCATION SERVICE AREA OFFICE 1. Journal of Industrial Education, 16(2), 106–114. retrieved from
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