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The purposes of this research were 1) to study the recruitment process of the National Skill Standard Testing Center for Logistics. Southeast Bangkok University 2) to develop the admission management system of the testing center and 3) to study the satisfaction level of the admission management system of the testing center. From studying the admissions process of the testing center with process flow chart It was found that the problems arising in the admissions process of the testing center There are complex workflows. This results in wastage, error, and inefficiency with operators. It also affects the satisfaction of candidates taking the test. The researcher therefore analyzed the problems found to determine the cause by questioning techniques. Why-Why-Analysis Then, the researcher developed a system to manage the admissions data of the testing center according to the system development life cycle (SDLC) principle to reduce waste in the testing center's admissions process. And to assess the satisfaction level of the admissions management system of the testing center. The research results showed that Admission process of the testing center from the original period of 22 days, reduced to 12 days, or 45.45 percent of the reduced amount. and satisfaction results of administrators, faculty, and staff on the use of the admissions management system of the testing center the mean was 4.19 and the standard deviation was 0.52 or was in the quality level of satisfaction. Classified by aspects of 1) Functionality the mean was 3.97 and the standard deviation was 0.53 or was in the quality level of high satisfaction. 2) Management and efficiency of the system. The mean was 4.42 and the standard deviation was 0.51 or was in the quality level of satisfaction. 3) System safety. The mean was 3.92 and the standard deviation was 0.58 or was in the quality level of satisfaction. with a mean of 4.54 and a standard deviation of 0.51 or at the highest level of satisfaction quality and 5) information system services. The mean was 4.14 and the standard deviation was 0.51 or was in the quality level of satisfaction. However, the results of the satisfaction of the test applicants on the use of the admissions management system of the testing center the mean was 4.51 and the standard deviation was 0.51 or was in the highest level of satisfaction quality. Classified by aspects of 1) Functionality The mean was 4.52 and the standard deviation was 0.52 or was in the highest satisfaction quality level. 2) Management and efficiency of the system. The mean was 4.49 and the standard deviation was 0.51 or was in the quality level of high satisfaction. The mean was 4.53 and the standard deviation was 0.51 or was in the highest satisfaction quality level. with a mean of 4.50 and a standard deviation of 0.51 or at the highest level of satisfaction quality and 5) information system services. The mean was 4.51 and the standard deviation was 0.53 or was in the highest level of satisfaction quality.
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