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wiroj khawlaor


With the advancements in embedded technology, it has become more convenient to operate in DC motor control systems. The commonly used methods are starting to shift from analog control to digital control. The design is based on the principle of pulse modulation of DC motor speed control. The main design and study of this paper demonstrates the function of speed control of DC electric motors. using MATLAB and Simulink programs to comply with hardware cycle and programming the microcontroller to achieve the desired operation. By using the closed speed control algorithm, the PID and the duty ratio of the PWM signal are modified to provide the desired rotation and speed of the motor. The system has a simple structure. and has the ability to prevent interference from the environment The MATLAB simulation results show how to control the speed of DC motor with PID controller, which is more convenient than traditional control and more stable. And the resulting performance reflects the design to meet the requirements of motor control such as Working speed in different systems, forward and reverse control. increasing speed and speed reduction Including the error at steady state

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How to Cite
khawlaor, wiroj. (2023). THE DESIGN OF THE SPEED CONTROL SYSTEM FOR A DC MOTOR BY MATLAB PROGRAMS. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 10(1), 77–85. retrieved from
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