Effective of Fall Detection and Notification Syetem for patient and elderly walking aid via Line Application
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The research presented here is to determine the effectiveness of the fall notification system for patients and the elderly from walk-walking devices through the LINE application. for people who take care of patients and the elderly according to various situations The researcher has started research and development of a prototype walker device to help walk patients and the elderly through the LINE application. by the object of this research 1. To design and build a prototype walker to help walk patients and the elderly through the LINE application. 2. To find out the efficiency of the fall notification system for patients and the elderly through the LINE application. 3. To find the location of patients and the elderly through the LINE application. From the results of the test to find out the effectiveness of the fall notification system for patients and the elderly from walk-through devices through the Line application. and the GPS positioning system of the device. It was found that the researcher has determined the efficiency of the device by testing the sensitivity of the signal transmission of the device, the elderly fall alert system through the LINE application. can send signal from the device to the LINE application of the elderly caregivers according to the objectives. The researchers simulated the event that elderly people fall from the house or place in the care of the elderly, all 3 floors, each floor was tested for 5 phases by doing 10 trials and testing the sensitivity of all 3 machines. It was found that the device will send the sensitivity in the best distance of 3 meters. The GPS system indicates the position of the device. can accurately tell the location of the machine and is sensitive to the delivery of the contract.
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