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This research was to improve the efficiency of building frames because Thailand is located in a tropical climate zone. Causing the current building to have a hot climate, which wastes electricity costs, we therefore need to pay attention to the building frame. A good building frame should be able to prevent too much heat from entering the building. to reduce the cooling load of the air conditioning system And leads to a reduction in the use and cost of wasting electricity. Normally, the air conditioning load caused by heat transfer from the outside of the building into the building. Will have a higher proportion than the heat generated within the building itself the way we can understand the mechanism of heat transfer into the building is how it is. What are the characteristics and know how to assess the performance of the building frame It allows us to analyze to find ways to prevent those heat from entering the building for a particular building. Air conditioning load is affected by external factors. including the heat that is transferred from the outside of the building into the building and from internal factors such as heat generated from within the building itself, usually The heat from the outside will have a higher proportion than the heat from the inside, i.e. 60% of the air conditioning load
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