Study of Car Audio Waste Management as a Waste Management Guideline According to the Draft Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste Management Legislation
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The Problems in management of electrical and electronic waste products exist all over the world because of the manufacturing and innovating to meet the needs and for the convenience of users. However, in Thailand, there is no law that directly applies to the management of these waste products. The relevant agencies are trying to draw up a legislation to enforce the disposal of these electrical and electronic equipment waste products to reduce the impact of toxic substances contamination to environment and public health. In this research, the management of car radio waste products was studied. Car radio is considered a type of electronic device that may be overlooked because this device is not branded by the manufacturer and is not sold directly to consumers, but rather to car manufacturers that selling cars to consumers. This research was conducted to survey the groups of stakeholders involved in the process of used car radios in Bang Bo District and Bang Sao Thong District, Samut Prakan Province. A survey of 100 car users found that about 25 % of their used cars were resold to used car dealers and 75% of them would keep their old cars for themselves and pass them on to their family members. A survey of 10 used car dealerships found that 11,400 cars were repair for refurbishment per year. Of the cars that were refurbished, 264 car radios were found to be damaged, 252 pieces were sold to antique shop and 12 pieces were disposed as general waste. A survey of 10 repair shops found that there were 4,380 pieces of car audio had been refurbished per year, with 2,520 of them being returned to owners, 660 pieces were sold to the second buyer, 900 pieces were disposed as general waste, and 300 were sold to antique shops. A survey found that 10 antique shops buys more than 330 used car radios per year, with 550 pieces from used car buyers and audio tuning shops, the number of broken car radios that will be included in the antique shop would be more than 880 pieces. From the survey, the material flow analysis for the unused car audio was constructed. The roles and duties of stakeholders in the current legislation were compared to those of the draft of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste Management Legislation as a guideline for preparation and adaptation when the draft legislation is enforced.
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