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The objective of this research was 1) to examine the consistency of the model with empirical data of the causal model development that affects change management conditions on the sustainable organizational performance of the plastic packaging industry. 2) to study the direct influence indirect influence and combined influence of the development of a causal model on change management conditions on the sustainable organizational performance of the plastic packaging industry. A quantitative research study was conducted to collect data with executives of plastic packaging manufacturers by determining the sample size by estimating the variable 20 times the number of parameters equal to 400 people by random sampling using proportional probability. The research tool was a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.943. Data collection and analysis of statistical data were used for frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation and analyzing the data using inferential statistics with analytical techniques. Structural equation Research results 1) It was found that after using the program to check the consistency of the structural equation model It appears that all indices pass the standard, consisting of c2 = 98.011 c2 /df (98.011/84) = 1.167 p-value = 0.141 GFI = 0.976 AGFI = 0.940 NFI = 0.980 CFI = 0.997 RMR = 0.020 RMSEA = 0.020 and therefore it can be concluded that the results of this analysis are consistent with the empirical data and 2) the direct influence indirect influence and the combined influence of the development of a causal model on change management conditions on the sustainable organizational performance of the plastic packaging industry. It was found that factors related to management had a positive direct influence on business transformation equal to .791. In addition, it was found that there was an indirect influence on the image of the organization. Sustainable Business Performance Factors and the competitiveness factor are equal to .611, .589, and .150 respectively. As for the business change factor, it was found that there was a positive direct influence on the corporate image factor. Sustainable business performance factors and competitiveness factors were .772, .321, and .190 respectively. In addition, it was found that business transformation factors also had a positive indirect influence on sustainable business performance. Equal to .424 for the corporate image factor and the competitiveness factor Has a positive direct influence on sustainable business performance equal to .491 and .237, respectively, at a statistical significance level of .001 and can together explain the sustainable organization forecast of the plastic packaging industry up to 71.7 each (R2=0.717)
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