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Kanyarat Punpain


Company case study Excellent Food Co., Ltd. produces Konjac Pearls by dripping konjac water from a conveying tube that has been drilled to the size of the desired Konjac Pellets. But the pressure inside the conveying pipe causes the drop rate to be uneven. The size of the konjac pearls is different and thus the production is delayed. From the above problem, the researcher has designed and built a Konjac Pearl Dropper, consisting of mainly 2 parts, namely a hopper and a Konjac Pearl Dropper from 3 experiments. The test result , the 1st time, fixed the appearance of the drop hole to be a round hole.. The 2nd time, the pumping of konjac water from the tank to the pearl dropper. The result is able to pump all the konjac water from the tank to the pearl dropper. The 3th time, test the whole system. There is a connection point between the hose to deliver the konjac water and the leaking water filter head. Fix it by tightening the fixing nut between the hose and the filter head again and inserting the rubber seal. This makes it possible to produce konjac pearls at 960 kg/working time in 1 day. and the production rate increased by 480%.

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How to Cite
Punpain, K. (2023). KONJAC PEARL DROPPING MACHINE CASE STUDY: EXCELLENT FOOD CO., LTD. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 10(1), 109–119. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEET/article/view/250351
Research Article


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