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Wasan Theansuwan


          Designing and fabricating a magnetic power engine. Usually designed as a linear motion of the piston. Using magnetic repulsion as energy to push the piston head, effecting to the piston moving to power transmission to the crankshaft causing rotation. This research aim designed and fabricated a magnetic power engine and study the mechanical power and performance of a magnetic power engine. The rotor groove is 52 mm in diameter, 130 mm in diameter, and the shaft is 25 mm in diameter. One piston there are 4 magnetic attachments, grade N52, mounted around the rotor. This engine there are 2 pistons. The torque was tested with a brake dynamometer, torque values of 0.084 N·m, 0.089 N·m, 0.084 N·m and 0.074 N·m, and maximum mechanical power was 1.718 W, 2.198 W, 2.382 W and 2.469 W at 200 rpm, 250 rpm, 300 rpm and 350 rpm respectively. Magnet power engine can function as internal combustion engine, providing an alternative for the automotive industry of the future.

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How to Cite
Theansuwan, W. (2022). MECHANICAL POWER AND PERFORMACE OF MAGNETIC POWER ENGINE. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 9(2), 86–91. retrieved from
Research Article


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