Lifecycle Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emission Railway Concrete Bridge in Thailand
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This study aims to study the evaluation method of Assessment greenhouse gas emissions and estimate greenhouse gas emissions in railway bridge construction. This study is to study the railway construction project of bangkhem station to Khao Yoi station railway. The calculation of greenhouse gas emissions is the main task in the order of category and quantity such as precast concrete pile, foundation work (Pile Cap), beam work (I girder), reinforced concrete deck slab according to the research scope, including the production of materials (Candle to Gate: A1 – A3) transportation of material (transport to site: A4) and construction process (Gate to Gate: A5) The results show that in the data analysis of the greenhouse gas emissions in the production process of materials are 544,397,273.39 kgco2e. transportation of material greenhouse gas emission, 811,656.65 kgco2e.During construction, it was found that the amount of gas released during construction was 661,878.52 kgco2e. Production of materials, the highest emission is 97.36%, which is a ready mixed concrete. The largest greenhouse gas emissions are 21,478,768.43 kgco2e from the precast concrete I Girder and 16,845,427.32 kgco2e from the precast concrete pile. In construction projects materials are widely used in a large project. Therefore, in the structural design, the selection of materials and construction methods should be considered. The results show that in the production process, the use of most concrete and reinforcement leads to greenhouse gas emissions. The choice of construction method will affect the transportation and construction site. In concrete engineering, there is quite a lot of transportation than in concrete engineering. In addition, concrete construction produces less greenhouse gas emissions.
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