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This research attempted to study the biodiesel production reaction by transesterification of crude palm kernel oil and refined palm kernel oil. From the experiment found that methyl esters synthesized from crude palm kernel oil were lower than methyl esters synthesized from refined palm kernel oil under the same conditions due to the oil's purity and different acidity. Butanol was used to produce diesohol at a low mixing ratio in this experiment. Physical properties, homogeneity were then tested after six months of storage. Conduct the test by D90Bu5B5(RPKO) mixed well without stratification after six months of storage. From the experiment biodiesel produced has a maximum productivity equal to 90.8%. Biodiesel was then used as an ingredient in the D90Bu5B5(RPKO). Then testing D90Bu5B5(RPKO) for physics properties and performance in the engine. From the experiment found that the D90Bu5B5(RPKO) had similar physical properties to diesel fuel except the flash point is lower than high-speed diesel fuel. The result of the performance found that D90Bu5B5 had slightly less torque and brake power than standard diesel fuel with a higher fuel consumption rate than diesel fuel

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How to Cite
RODJANAKID, K.-O. . . (2022). PRODUCTION OF BIODIESEL FROM REFINED PALM KERNEL OIL AS A FUEL AND ITS EFFECTS ON COMPRESSION IGNITION ENGINE PERFORMANCE. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 9(1), 1–10. retrieved from
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