Investigation of beak-even point for variable refrigerant flow air conditioning system in office building

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Suthat Silaket


This research study the cost of variable refrigerant flow air conditioning system in office building. This is to find the beak-even point by using life cycle cost during lifetime from 8 to 15 years. The scope of this research bases on installation cost, energy consumption and maintenance cost. The results of the beak-even point by using life cycle cost analysis of variable refrigerant flow air conditioning system in office building showed that the installation cost is 4,649,390 Baht with electricity consumption of 278,334 KWh/year charge for electricity is 822,973 Baht/year and maintenance cost is 68,150 Baht/year. The beak-even point is 12 years and the average pay costs to a minimum for change the new air conditioning system.

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How to Cite
Silaket, S. . (2021). Investigation of beak-even point for variable refrigerant flow air conditioning system in office building. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 8(2), 79–90. retrieved from
Research Article


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