The Measurement and Mapping of Noise Levels in a Factory Plastic Sack Production Process in Ratchaburi

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Natthaphon Phimphromma


This study aimed to evaluate the measurement and noise mapping in the work environment of plastic sack production factory in Ratchaburi. By assessing the noise level in the work environment and to check a noise contour map (Noise Contour Map) and determine the wearing area of personal protective equipment (Personal Protective Equipment) in checking the area working. The area was divided into 11 areas, including 352 measurement points and using a sound level meter, the standard NL-42EX (Class 2) and a sound level meter. Sound analyzer 25 to 141 dB Standard Class 2 Frequency weighting A / C / Z, range 20Hz to 8kHz Standard body IEC 61672 Type 2, ANSI S1.4, JISC1509-1 checking the sound level measurement results to map the sound curve (Noise Contour Map) and while determining and checking the area the checker should wear personal protective equipment (Personal Protective Equipment). The results of the measurement volume found that compared to the standards of the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare's announcement on the standard of noise levels that allow employees to receive averages throughout the period. Last 2018 found that every area in the plastic sack production process had noise that exceeded the standard at 352 points, representing 100%, the average noise level was 98.7 dB(A). Measures must be put in place to prevent and reduce the impact of employee noise while working. In order to prevent hearing deterioration, initially should be required to use personal protective equipment, namely ear plugs (Ear Plug), which is a device that can reduce exposure to loud noise and measures should be taken to preserve hearing in accordance with the law and to reduce employee hearing risk.

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How to Cite
Phimphromma, N. . (2021). The Measurement and Mapping of Noise Levels in a Factory Plastic Sack Production Process in Ratchaburi. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 8(2), 36–44. retrieved from
Research Article


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