The Design and Construction of Automatic Temperature and Humidity Control System for Fairy Mushroom House Controlled by Microcontroller

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Chaiporn Addoddorn
Nitikom Ariyapim


Automatic temperature and humidity control system in the fairy mushroom house have the objective is to apply technology to help the mushroom house management system to be more efficiency. management in the mushroom house and controlling factors affecting the mushroom mushroom cubes with temperature and humidity affecting the mushroom house directly making mushroom stalks and incomplete mushroom hat. The system has installed a temperature and humidity measuring device and sends the value to be processed at microcontroller to control the water pump for direct current spraying set, ventilating fan and working lamp. The temperature and humidity can be adjusted as we specify.. The temperature and humidity are displayed through a seven-part display. Mushroom house is 150 centimeters wide and 200 centimeters long and 200 centimeters high. From the results, it was found that the temperature and humidity control system in the mushroom house that can respond and match the needs of the users.. Able to put the system into practical use and more efficiency in accordance with the scope set

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How to Cite
Addoddorn, C., & Ariyapim, N. (2021). The Design and Construction of Automatic Temperature and Humidity Control System for Fairy Mushroom House Controlled by Microcontroller. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 7(2), 59–72. retrieved from
Research Article


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