Increasing Efficiency of Legionnaires’ Disease Surveillance System in a Selected Hotel of Khlongtoey Bangkok

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injira niyomtoon


Legionnaires’ Disease is a pneumonia caused by inhaling the Legionella bacteria which spreads through water droplets into the body. It can be found in all regions of the world and is also found in Thailand, which is a tropical country which has suitable temperature and humidity for the growth of Legionella. The Thai Ministry of Public Health has monitored outbreaks among foreign tourists who have stayed in hotels in Bangkok and throughout the country. Due to the infection of tourists by Legionella affect image of Thailand tourism.  Legionnaires' Disease has a high mortality rate. In Thailand, there is a history of Legionnaires' Disease outbreaks in late 2006. Therefore, it is important to prevent the contamination of Legionella in the hotels in Thailand.

This research is a descriptive study aimed at enhancing the surveillance of Legionella in hotels where Legionella was reported. The water samples were collected from the hotel's water supply sources such as water from cooling tower, hot and cold water faucets in the guest room, from the shower, hot water tank, cold water tank on the roof top and underground, which could be home of Legionella and could spread the germs to the hotel guests or residents. Legionella could be detected in all water sources where water samples were collected, except for underground cold water tanks. SWOT analysis determines the cause of contamination, enabling the creation of contamination surveillance measures. Compare the findings of Legionella before and after the use of surveillance measures. It is found that after the surveillance, which the water samples were collected every month. After the first month, Legionella was only found in water from cooling tower, hot and cold faucets from guest rooms. Subsequently, Legionella was not detected from all water sources over the course of 12 months. Therefore, in order to ensure effective monitoring of Legionella contamination, it is necessary to strictly follow the plan of Legionnaires’ Disease surveillance. 

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How to Cite
niyomtoon, injira. (2021). Increasing Efficiency of Legionnaires’ Disease Surveillance System in a Selected Hotel of Khlongtoey Bangkok. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 7(2), 40–50. retrieved from
Research Article


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