The Solar Power Generation High Voltage Remote Control System For Household Electricity Reduction

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ศรายุทธ์ จิตรพัฒนากุล


This research aimed to develop the solar power generation high voltage remote control system for household electricity reduction and to analyst the amount of electricity that can be produced in each period. The main device consists of a 1,500 watt inverter working of 5 solar panels with 350 watts, control by operation with a 20-channel control cabinet equipped with DC fuses, circuit breaker and DC surge protector on the AC side, install an AC surge protector device, an AC circuit breaker controlled via a computer network system. The protection system for reverse power supply to the utility system (CT : Current Transformer) and a monitor to show the voltage, current, power, electric power on the AC side to know the working status. The result was found that after installed, the test runs from 08.00 a.m. to 05.00 p.m., average 6 times per hour in three days. The most efficient working period at 01.00 p.m. could generate highest amount of electricity from the solar panel at the incoming side, and the current from the inverter output was 8.73 and 5.98 amperes, respectively. In addition to, it was produced an average electricity of 8.10 units per day or 243 units per month including, reduce the amount of electricity on average 850-1,050 baht per month. Moreover, when comparing the average electricity for the last 3 months, it showed that 393 units per month, will be able to reduce the amount of electricity to 150 units per month or 38.17 percent.

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How to Cite
จิตรพัฒนากุล ศ. (2021). The Solar Power Generation High Voltage Remote Control System For Household Electricity Reduction. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 7(2), 1–11. retrieved from
Research Article


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