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ปัญญา สำราญหันต์
ณภพ ซ้ายสุวรรณ
นิธิศ ปุณธนกรภัทร์
ปิติพจน์ แซ่เล็ก
เผ่าพัชร จันทร์จำเนียร


The objective of this research is to study and establish the criteria for choosing a public warehouse for feed ingredients storage in Samut Sakhon province. By using the warehouse selection criteria with the dimension of the efficiency evaluation of logistics activities consisting of 3 dimensions: cost dimension, time dimension, and reliability dimension and prioritize the importance of decision criteria with analytical hierarchy processes. Based on the evaluation of the opinions of 3 experts, the results of this research showed that the dimension with the highest to least priority is the cost dimension with the weight 0.661, reliability dimension is 0.272 and time dimension is weight value 0.067 and comparison of 2 public warehouse providers found that service providers have different advantages and disadvantages. By the result of the evaluation score with the equation to choose with the highest score is Service provider 2 has an assessment score of 0.437 and second score is Service provider 1 has an evaluation score of 0.185. Therefore, this research decided to choose the public warehouse service No. 2 to be used to store the feed ingredients of the sample animal feed manufacturer in Samut Sakhon.

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สำราญหันต์ ป., ซ้ายสุวรรณ ณ., ปุณธนกรภัทร์ น., แซ่เล็ก ป., & จันทร์จำเนียร เ. (2019). A SELECTION OF WAREHOUSE SERVICE PROVIDERS FOR ANIMAL FEED COMPANIES : CASE STUDIES IN SAMUTSAKHON. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 6(2), 10–20. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEET/article/view/215195
Research Article


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