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นิธิศ ปุณธนกรภัทร์
สุนทร แสงเพ็ชร
จงจิตร์ หิรัญลาภ


          The objectives of this research are to study the process of handling spare parts equipment of the furniture plant and to develop equipment management process of furniture factory which found a delay in the disbursement process of spare parts. The specific by establishment does not more than 25 minutes per bill of loading by using ABC analysis to sort out unused and damaged spare parts and using the theory to determine the location of the product (Location System) in determining the location of each spare parts list.

          After the development of the equipment management process can reduce the average time for disbursement before to 37.66 minutes per bill of loading. After improvement can reduce the average time of disbursement to 23.76 minutes per bill spending an average to 13.89 minutes per bill as 36.88 percent and the accuracy of the spare parts warehouse increasing from before the development with 54 percent accuracy after the improvement to 100 percent and the sampling of the spare parts list is 100 items.

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How to Cite
ปุณธนกรภัทร์ น., แสงเพ็ชร ส., & หิรัญลาภ จ. (2019). DEVELOPMENT SPARE PARTS MANAGEMENT PROCESS FOR FURNITURE MANUFACCTURING FACTORIES. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 6(1), 25–36. retrieved from
Research Article


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