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สมชาย เจียจิตต์สวัสดิ์
ธเนศ วิลาศมงคลชัย
ประพันธ์ พิกุลทอง
เอกภูมิ บุญธรรม
ณัฐวงศ์ โพธิ์ศุภานันท์


Electricity production from solar energy is usually affected by the environment, which causes the produced electricity unstable. This instability of the electricity creates a fluctuation of transmission line and decreases the efficient use of the electricity. An energy storage system has been used to reduce the environmental effect, but the initial cost of the system is high, especially for lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion) having high performance, expensive cost, and no production in the country. Thus, it causes a barrier to driving the wide usage of the batteries in the country. A hybrid energy storage system is a co-operation between lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion) and valve regulated lead acid battery (VRLA). The system has cheaper initial cost and can be produced in the country. The system control is used for management in order to extract the different characteristics of the batteries for maximum performance. From the results of basically potential evaluation on energy management of hybrid battery system, the problem and limitation of the system were known and could be improved for various types of buildings. The hybrid energy storage could efficiently reduce the electricity consumption from the grid during high electricity demand. Thus, it reduced the energy expense. When considering the stability of energy from solar energy, it was found that the energy storage system can reduce the energy fluctuation even though there is high energy demand as energy usage in the office. This study results will further be compared with the testing results in laboratory.

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เจียจิตต์สวัสดิ์ ส., วิลาศมงคลชัย ธ., พิกุลทอง ป., บุญธรรม เ., & โพธิ์ศุภานันท์ ณ. (2017). POTENTIAL EVALUATION ON ENERGY MANAGEMENT OF HYBRID ENERGY STORAGE FOR SOLAR POWER SYSTEM. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 4(2), 46–55. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEET/article/view/186958
Research Article


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