influence of quenching method on the martensitic transformation and Mechanical Properties of AISI 1045 Carbon Steel and NiTi Shape Memory Alloys

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อภินันท์ ภูเก้าล้วน
ฐกฤต ปานขลิบ
มงคล จงสุพรรณพงศ์
สิสวัฒม์ ธรรมประดิษฐ์


This study aims to investigate the influence of quenching method on the martensitic transformation and mechanical properties of AISI 1045 carbon steel and NiTi shape memory alloys. Chemical composition of AISI 1045 sample was analysed by spectroscopy, whilst NiTi sample was analysed by SEM-EDS technique. Martensitic transformation was induced by quenching after being heat treated at 800oC for 60 min. Quenching methods were divided into two groups: oil quenching, and water quenching. Microstructure and mechanical properties of the samples were characterized by optical microscopy and hardness test, respectively. The results show that quenching method has significantly affected the martensitic grain size of AISI 1045 samples, but not NiTi samples. The water quenched samples tend to exhibit smaller grain size than the oil quenched ones due to the faster cooling rate. Therefore, it consequently affected hardness of the samples after quenching. It is expected that this could be due to the difference in martensitic crystal structure of each materials, which responds differently to the changes in cooling rate during quenching. 

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ภูเก้าล้วน อ., ปานขลิบ ฐ., จงสุพรรณพงศ์ ม., & ธรรมประดิษฐ์ ส. (2019). influence of quenching method on the martensitic transformation and Mechanical Properties of AISI 1045 Carbon Steel and NiTi Shape Memory Alloys. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 4(1), 1–6. retrieved from
Research Article


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