Increasing Capacity for Inbound and Outbound Operation in Beverage Warehouse with Handing Operation Improvement: Case Study of Beverage Distribution Firm.

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สุภาวิณี โสภิณ
ศีขรินทร์ สุขโต


At present, the shipment business increasingly grows and extends across the world. According to the procedure of managing the warehouse and the center of product distribution, it directly impacts on the shipment cost and the performance of responding to customers in operator duration, quality and standard of delivering products to customers as their needs; therefore, the capacity of managing the warehouse and the center of production distribution must be developed such as the improvement and development of shipment operation that is the key of success. As a result this research studied a beverage distribution firm with the uninterrupted growth of modern trade, plus the tendency of growth will increase 200 percent in 2020. According to the initial study by the theory of diagram, the principle of 7 QC Tools and the technique of process chart, there was the issue of the inbound and outbound operation in the warehouse. At present, the productivity cannot handle too many transport vehicles that load products. Normally, there are, in average, 12 transport vehicles per hour for the inbound and outbound operation. Than the researchers ware intererted in increasing the productivity and capacity for the inbound and outbound operation in the beverage warehouse with the handing operation improvement. the theory of material handing was applied for solving the problem. After the resolution, it was found that productivity was increased from 12 transport vehicles per hour to 15 transport vehicles per hour considered 25 percent.


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How to Cite
โสภิณ ส., & สุขโต ศ. (2017). Increasing Capacity for Inbound and Outbound Operation in Beverage Warehouse with Handing Operation Improvement: Case Study of Beverage Distribution Firm. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 4(1), 51–59. retrieved from
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