Decision Support System for Production Planning by Heuristic and Fuzzy Logic Techniques

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ประไพ ศรีดามา
ปิยะนันต์ อิสสระวิทย์
คณกร สว่างเจริญ


Decision support system for production planning is very important in increasing the efficiency of several departments such as production department, planning department, purchasing department, and managing department. This paper presents a decision support system for production planning model using operation research principle, heuristic rule based from the factory experts and fuzzy logic.  A suitable decision for each department on daily raw materials can be planned to serve the customer’s due date and satisfaction. In addition, the proposed decision support system can rescheduling the late production line as well. Furthermore, the wastes from the manufacture are decreased more than 80 percent by this model. 

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How to Cite
ศรีดามา ป., อิสสระวิทย์ ป., & สว่างเจริญ ค. (2015). Decision Support System for Production Planning by Heuristic and Fuzzy Logic Techniques. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 2(2), 64–75. retrieved from
Research Article


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