Energy savings in High-Pressure Reciprocating Air Compressor

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วีรินทร์ งามเลิศรัศมี
กฤติเดช ดวงใจบุญ
อุดมศักดิ์ บุญศรีโรจน์


Installing air compressor cooled air in industrial facilities. Usually installed within the area of ​​operation or in the machine room. Most likely, in such a confined space. No good ventilation Including an air compressor has several machines of this type are sorted series. The heat also caused problems with the ambient air. As a result, the efficiency of air compressors decreased This research aims to fix the heat of the ambient air is used to compress air. The design and installation of cooling the compressed air, which results from a series of individual actions that can reduce the ambient temperature inside the machine room before using compressed air. This reduces power consumption 6,720.69 kWh / year is 25,807.44 baht / year.

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How to Cite
งามเลิศรัศมี ว., ดวงใจบุญ ก., & บุญศรีโรจน์ อ. (2015). Energy savings in High-Pressure Reciprocating Air Compressor. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 2(2), 12–21. retrieved from
Research Article


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