The development of the ISO 9001 quality system for quality control by decision tree and rule base techniques.

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ประไพ ศรีดามา
กิตติรัตน์ ฐานสุวรรณศรี
ธีรพัฒน์ จันษร


The ISO 9001 quality system for quality control by heuristics and rule base technique is an innovation. It is designed for solving production cost, decreasing activities and decreasing paper, which are made from the ISO 9001 quality system. This system is developed to automatic system by using decision tree and rule base techniques for decision making within the system. It can decrease document usage of ISO 9001 quality system that those documents are huge documents by transferring all documents to document electronic. This system has nine configurations, which are important to make ISO 9001 quality system. It is tested by staffs of factories in Thailand. They are very satisfied to this system because it can decrease the time and the cost of activities. Furthermore, it decreased mistakes in main specifications of ISO 9001 quality system. In addition, this system

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How to Cite
ศรีดามา ป., ฐานสุวรรณศรี ก., & จันษร ธ. (2016). The development of the ISO 9001 quality system for quality control by decision tree and rule base techniques. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 3(1), 60–68. retrieved from
Research Article


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