Environmentally Sensitive areas Analysis in Lampachi Watershed

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ชุลีพร สุระป้อม
คมสัน คีรีวงศ์วัฒนา


The sensitive to environment area is the area where have a sensitive ecosystem. It have to be managed and protected by the government. The objective of the study is to analyze the environmentally sensitive area in Lampachi watershed. The data used to analyze are watershed boundary and slope data derived from digital elevation model. Protected area map such as national park, wildlife sanctuary, watershed class from Department of National parks Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP) and soil erosion map which calculated by using RUSLE model. Analyze environmentally sensitive area by overly all the data together in geographic information system (GIS).

            The result found that, there is 34.50% of watershed class 1A where located in western and southern of watershed. There is mean of slope 23.22%, and there is 25.53% of slope area more than 35% located in western and southern of watershed. There is less erosion rate area 97.63% of the study area. The most 3 land use are non-evergreen forest, crop, and economic forest which have 50.37%, 21.47% and 9.31% in area respectively. By overlaid all the data found that, there are 43.35% 27.10% and 29.55 of high, Moderate and less environmentally sensitive area respectively and also found that, most of land use on high environmentally sensitive area is natural forest.

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How to Cite
สุระป้อม ช., & คีรีวงศ์วัฒนา ค. (2016). Environmentally Sensitive areas Analysis in Lampachi Watershed. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 3(1), 38–49. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEET/article/view/180659
Research Article


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