Production of biogas from rice straw and animal manure by two-stage anaerobic digestion

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วิจิตรพร เจริญรัตน์
ปรีดา จันทวงษ์
จงจิตร์ หิรัญลาภ
โจเซฟ เคดารี


The purpose of the this thesis is to biogas production from rice straw and animal manure by two-stage anaerobic digestion. The two-stage system are acid  phase reactor with working volume of  27.73 liters and methane phase reactor with working volume of 52.83 liters total solid concentration of food waste solution at hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 30 25 20 and 15 days, corresponding to organic loading rate (OLR) of 9.66 9.83 10.00 and 9.90 gCOD/l.d respectively .The results showed that efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD)removal range from 89.49–92.84percents, total solids (TS) removal range from 78.63-82.76percents. Total gasproduction was 57.17 l/d. At HRT of 20 days (10.00 g COD/l.d of OLR) efficiency of COD removal was 89.49percents. But gavethe highest of total gas production 57.17 l/d which the percentage of methane content was 84.87percents.

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How to Cite
เจริญรัตน์ ว., จันทวงษ์ ป., หิรัญลาภ จ., & เคดารี โ. (2016). Production of biogas from rice straw and animal manure by two-stage anaerobic digestion. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 3(1), 1–10. retrieved from
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