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กันละคร เพชรลาที
รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร. ศักดิ์ กองสุวรรณ
ดร. เชษฐ์ภณัฏ ลีลาศรีสิริ


The purpose of this study 1) to study and the problem of vehicle routing problem of Cement Company Limited Luang Prabang 2) to find ways to solve the problem, the vehicle routing problem. Cement Company Limited of Luang Prabang. The population consists of Managers supervisor staff and shop total 44 The tool used in the research consisted of semi - structured interview in vehicle routing Sweep Approach and focus group discussion

The results were as follows: Guidelines for cargo route with heuristic devices with the sweep approach of cement Luang Prabang Ltd. found 1) routing relies on experience of and expertise 2) routing has not yet determined the amount of the customer's needs in advance 3) not organized. segmenting customers into groups and schedule shipping 4) the path to selected customers at the shortest distance from the warehouse 5) the route has not been set. Delivery time and 6) the route has not yet determined the amount and weight required by law which affect the cost of transport operations increases planning the route have no certainty and clarity. the guidelines, planning routes transporting representativeness. With the sweep approach method include: 1) Should the customer purchase requirements in advance 2) Should the delivery schedule by an average of demand 3) Should the client orders into the table transport continuously 4) Determined not to insert the customer needs in between planning transportation route 5) Should set a time get delivery Definitely clear 6) Customers should select the distance from the nearest warehouse as a starting point in the transmission of delivery in each group path Including value conversion requirement item quantity weight and full cargo cars according to the weight of the law the implementation uses heuristic devices for troubleshooting routing freight company. Cement Luang Prabang limited by the sweep (Sweep Approach) found that freight can be a vehicle of 13 vehicles to transport goods to customers within a distance 2,704.8 (km) in one day rest accurate delivery in the following days


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How to Cite
เพชรลาที ก., กองสุวรรณ ร. ด. ศ., & ลีลาศรีสิริ ด. เ. (2016). GUIDELINES OF VEIHCLE ROUTING PROBLEM BY HEURISTIC OF LUANGPRABANG CEMENT CO.LDT CASE STUDY. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 3(2), 23–32. retrieved from
Research Article


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